Monday, November 10, 2014

My Classroom Instagram Poster

This summer I discovered the coolest poster set ever on Instagram from thirdgradethinking (For His Glory Teaching), an Instagram poster for your classroom!
My favorite thing about this poster was that she designed it to be printed on 3 sheets of 11 by 17 inch paper or card stock (I chose card stock). Tape them together and you end up with a big poster:) I went to Office Max to get mine printed and laminated. I taped it together in the store, see below. 
As you can see there are squares on the poster. She made spots for you to put 4x6 prints on and keep them neat and lined up. Super helpful but I wanted the "authentic" Instagram look - square pics. You can get square pics from your Instagram using the Walgreens photo app. They aren't cheap (.39 cents a print) so choose your pics wisely. I had a bunch, $13 worth.
So, the pics were square but the spots on the poster were 4x6. Now what? Well I decided to add 2 sheets of blank 11x17 poster board to cover the lines and give me a blank poster. I taped them in place then had the whole thing laminated in the store. Total cost for construction was about $10 but I LOVE THIS POSTER!
I printed out a copy of my best selfie ever and cut it out in a circle to match the shape on the poster. I covered it with clear packing tape. Then I added my name using a Vis-a-Vis marker and taped the photos on using a bit of Scotch tape.
After all of those sheets of cardstock and lamination this was kinda heavy. I used strips of  Scotch Mounting Tape to hang this on the front door of my lab. People love it!
Below is a wide view of my front entrance:)
Get your Classroom Instagram Poster for only $2.50 from the For His Glory TpT store today!

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